Buildings and Infrastructure Underground stone house before the roof was builtMain room of the Underground housetop level of the structure and atrium windowsbarely visible in the snow.The Writer's cabin. Timber frame cabin built from site milled logsCassandra assembling round wood timber framed floor joists.Quincy and Chase building a white oak door.Interior view. Artistic design in the loft.Morgan working on a roundwood timber frame. Round wood timber frame outdoor kitchen.Alex using an antique brace to make mortises.Ijoo making a mortis in a large beam.Making a cob rocket stove during the summer internship.Summer Grace testing out the cook stove.Building a solar panel frame.A tiny house on wheels.Stone foundation for a screened in porch.The floor joists assembled. Burnt to preserve the wood.A timber frame of white and red oak, ash, cherry, maple and pine.Julia making a notch in maple roundwood rafters.A stick framed shed made from rough cut lumber.finished shed at nightRugged frame for a rain catch stand.covering the stand to protect the tank from UV rays. The builders proud of their finished productTeen building apprentices from the Boys & Girls club posing in front of a water tank stand.The "Maya house," a 70 square foot micro house on wheels. The finished structure built completely from reclaimed materials!Chase working on an addition to the Maya house.The addition in progress.InteriorBurning pine siding to protect it from decay.Cutting with a Japanese ryoba saw.putting up the burnt siding over insulation.Maya house with the timber framed addition.A compost toilet outhouse.Summer apprentices putting in a stone foundation.A simple garden gate.Sasha Kay and Chase assembling a more complex gate.A large gate with woven branches.Apprentices posing in front of a raised garden bed they made.The bed assembled at a sharing garden.Building a large raised bed at the Kingston High School.More raised beds!Apprentices from the Boys & Girls club assembling planter boxes.An eastern red cedar outdoor shower.Sharmar, Tristan and Chase showing off a pallet table.